San Fransisco, California

San Francisco is a city on the west coast of the United States in the state of California. It is located in the San Francisco peninsula with the Pacific Ocean to the west, the bay to the east and the entrance to the bay to the north, so that only the south is linked to land.

San Fransisco is famous for the Golden Gate Bridge, but there are another famous places in San Fransisco like the Transamerica Pyramid building, the trams that run its steep streets and Chinatown.

San Fransisco has a very important cultural life, there are many Museums and theatres, among the most known museums you can find the Legion of Honor Museum, so named because it is located in a building erected in tribute to U.S. soldiers who participated in the French Legion of Honor during the First World War. This museum, located in a high overlooking the Golden Gate, includes paintings by El Greco, Rubens and Claude Monet.

In San Fransisco you can find another importnat places that are very atractive to visit like the Golden Statte Bridge, Alcatraz and great views of beautifl panoramics.

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