Brasilia, Brazil´s capital

Brasilia is the capital of Brazil, located in the central part of the country, about 950 km northwest of Rio de Janeiro.
Brasilia is one of the capital cities of more recent construction in the world, the construction of the city began in 1956, being Lucio Costa the principal urban planner and Oscar Niemeyer the principal architect.
It is an amazing city, the city was built as an airplane shape and it points to the southeast, but Lucio Costa insists that they tried to give a cross shape to the city. The land where it was built was barren and inhospitable. The city is known for its broad avenues, which also hold public buildings, two districts, one north and one south, which are divided into so-called "supercuadras" which as its name indicates grouped sets of huge buildings. Brasilia is a great city with a lot of places to know, everything in the city was planed and you have a very important cultural life in the city.

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